walker's catalogue of recent thoughts

letting myself be bad at this & some general life complaints

hello again. as you may have gathered, i am not a tech pro. this blog platform does not have little buttons to push. i must type in vaguely code-looking things so that other things happen. i am Learning. one of the things i am doing with this post is testing out if i have found a way for you to subscribe to my lovely thoughts by email. hopefully it works :)

bear (haha... bearblog... bear) with me as i learn what i'm doing. hopefully my technique improves and i start using like... formatting or something...

some complaints:

  1. people who do one rep on the gym machines and then just sit there. get OFF
  2. being shushed by my friend in the bar for laughing "too" loudly
  3. my besties not being here to hype me up while i message people on Feeld

some nice things too (haha surprise i didn't say that in the title):

  1. my friend allison did research on the dead rat found in some guy's skull that i saw preserved in an old church
  2. i remembered the "north & south" miniseries exists and am now rewatching it
  3. the idea of "brenter" as an opposite to "brexit" just came to me one day as i woke up

as ever,